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Lloyd's London Marathon & Guinness World Record

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Running alongside his mother, Ceri, Lloyd dubbed them a 'mother-son duo.'


With every stride, Lloyd aimed not only to achieve his personal goals but also to shine a light on organisations like Stepping Stones DS, which empower children and young people with Down syndrome to reach their full potential.


As Mum, Ceri, says.; "Unfortunately, when you have a child with disabilities, a lot of people will make assumptions that they will never do this and they will never do that."


"Stepping Stones has been there from day one helping us. And you know, they have just encouraged him to do, to try everything, every sporty club going."

Lloyd Martin, runner number 321, took the TCS London Marathon by storm on 21st April 2024, marking a historic moment for both himself and the Down syndrome community. At just 19 years old, Lloyd made headlines as the youngest person with Down syndrome to tackle this monumental challenge.


Lloyd ran the marathon in six hours, 46 minutes and 10 second, securing a new Guinness World Records title for the youngest person with Down syndrome to complete the event.

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For Lloyd, 321 is more than just his runner number — it's a symbol of triumph over adversity. In Down syndrome, the condition is caused by the triplication (3) of the 21st chromosome. Lloyd ran with pride, turning 321 into a beacon of strength and resilience.

On Sunday, Lloyd didn't just run; he captivated the crowds with his infectious energy and enthusiasm, making every step of the marathon a celebration of determination and joy. From interacting with spectators to working the cameras, Lloyd showcased the true essence of a superstar.

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Lloyd's journey was met with awe and admiration from all who witnessed his remarkable feat. His boundless energy and unwavering spirit serve as a reminder that with passion and perseverance, anything is possible.

Lloyd has inspired others on his journey, creating a legacy of hope and possibility. His message to 'follow your dreams' resonates not only with those facing similar challenges but with anyone striving to overcome obstacles and reach for the stars.

Lloyd's journey has been documented through numerous interviews, from the BBC to ITV, ESPN, and even Good Morning Britain. With each appearance, he has captivated audiences, sharing his story of resilience and determination.

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Lloyd's journey has been beautifully captured by Lucy Claire Illustrations.


This is a stunning reminder of his spirit and the endless possibilities if you just follow your dreams.


"Showing the world what's possible, one step at a time".

Lloyd has been a part of the Stepping Stones DS family since an early age.  It has been a privilege to watch him grow and become the amazing young man he is today.

Lloyd attends our fortnightly communication groups with LETS Go! and managed to find time in his busy schedule to join us for our April groups!

Bringing along his Guinness World Records certificate, Lloyd shared tales of his incredible marathon journey with his friends.


They watched one of his many TV interviews and then turned the tables, interviewing Lloyd themselves! Well done to Frankie, Sam, & Austin for their brilliant questions.


Our groups are more than just gatherings; they're opportunities for our young adults with Down syndrome to develop their social communication skills in a supportive space.

Sessions aim to boost confidence and foster friendships beyond school walls.

The quality of questions, attentive listening, & Lloyd's brilliant, confident responses in so many recent interviews, highlight the value of these sessions. 

Lloyd's fundraising is opening doors for his friends to access groups and various educational and physical activities, supporting them in reaching their full potential too.

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We are overwhelmed by the generosity of those who have donated to Lloyd's Stepping Stones DS fundraising page.


Thank you to everyone who has donated - you are helping children and young people like Lloyd to reach their full potential.

Congratulations, Lloyd, on your incredible achievement! You've not only made history but also touched the hearts of countless individuals around the world. Your marathon of triumph will forever be a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.


T: 01252 417014

Stepping Stones DS | Sentinel House
Harvest Crescent | Fleet, GU51 2UZ


Registered Charity 1182787

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